Fire Safety
At STEPS HOMES, we ensure appropriate arrangements to deal with fire safety at our premises. Employees are aware of the fire and evacuation arrangements and other emergency procedures. Emergency equipment is provided, tested and maintained appropriately, and fire risk assessments are completed. An alarm test is carried out regularly. Alarm points are tested alternatively. All tests are recorded in the buildings fire log. Emergency lighting tests are carried out simultaneously and recorded in the fire log. Our policy is for fire evacuation drills to be carried out monthly. Employees/residents will be made aware of fire procedures and the location of firefighting equipment and escape routes from the premises as part of their induction/ admission. Employees will ensure no obstructions to any such equipment or escape route. Employees must immediately report any firefighting/safety equipment deficiency to the project service manager. Employees are trained in the actions to be taken in a fire emergency and know what actions they will be expected to take. Any person discovering a fire will immediately operate/activate the alarm via the nearest fire point. In the event of a fire or sounding of the alarms, the building must be evacuated as quickly as possible via any appropriate exit. The property holds a current electrical installation certificate. Qualified electricians conduct an annual portable appliance test (PAT); this building has no gas supply.
STEPS HOMES fully recognises and takes its responsibilities seriously on safeguarding; thus, all staff receive safeguarding training, raising awareness of this and their responsibility and duty in protecting the care leavers in our care. Our priority is to ensure they are safe from any form of abuse. Staff have a crucial role in identifying abuse if it occurs and bringing it to the attention of responsible authorities. We will follow the guidelines set out by the Local Safeguarding Children’s Board and STEPS’ policies and procedures to; Ensure every staff member knows the name of the designated safeguarding officer (LADO) and understands their role. Ensure all staff understand their responsibilities in being alert to the signs of abuse and responsibility for referring any concerns to the project service manager/local authority/ designated safeguarding officer
Develop effective links with relevant agencies and co-operate as required with their enquiries regarding safeguarding matters. Consult with local safeguarding professionals to develop and maintain our safeguarding policy and procedures. Keep written records of concerns about the tenants even where there is no need to refer the matter immediately. Ensure all records are kept securely and in locked locations. Follow internal procedures where an allegation is made against a staff member. Ensure safe recruitment practices are always followed by the STEPS HOMES’ recruitment policy and UK legislation, specifically regarding the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS). Ensure all staff are subject to enhanced DBS disclosures, enrolled on the online update service for annual checks. Ensure STEPS HOMES ’ GDPR policy is understood and followed by staff and tenants alike. Provide security systems such as visitor and staff ID checking arrangements and signing in processes, security cameras, door access and vision panels (where possible). Providing educational opportunities for staff to develop and refresh safeguarding knowledge.
Establish and maintain an environment where the care levers feel secure and are encouraged to talk and listen. Ensure care leaver’s know that there are staff in the organisation whom they can approach if they are worried and want to talk. Ensure care leaver’s know who to contact outside of our organisation if they feel unable to disclose information to someone within. At STEPS HOMES , we want the tenants to see their flat as their home, and they should feel safe and secure in it. The staff will not tolerate bullying and will constantly challenge it. The team will always be prepared to listen and do everything possible to ensure appropriate action is taken; such action may include involving police or initiating child/adult protection procedures. The provision works proactively in undertaking risk assessments to identify the potential for care leaver’s who may be bullied or those who may drive. An ongoing risk assessment is also made regarding how both the care leaver’s immediate and extended environment can contribute to bullying. Staff will ensure they work as a collective, cohesive team to ensure bullying is challenged at all times within the premises. The values and ethos of that depend upon the principles of respect, consideration and co-operation. Any care leaver being bullied will be treated with empathy and understanding and supported and protected.
Equality and Diversity
STEPS HOMES aims to create a culture that respects and values each other’s differences, promoting dignity, equality and diversity. We ensure that all staff members are suitably trained in all aspects of equality and diversity, Including legislation and their responsibilities. The staff will challenge attitudes, behaviour and language that are non-inclusive and discriminatory in a positive way. We encourage tenants to develop respect for themselves and others and deliver services that recognise and build on the strengths of care leaver’s from all cultures, religions, gender, age, sexual orientation, ability and backgrounds; in ways that meet their needs and help them to achieve their full potential. Tenants are offered opportunities to try out new experiences, which are not restricted by traditional gender options. They are also encouraged and supported to understand their rights and be well-informed about ways of challenging discrimination. Staff recognise the importance of care leavers needing to know their rights as this empowers them and assists in protecting them. Staff respect these rights and advocate for those rights on behalf of them and their families.